Sharing Our Passion for SERVICE, SOLUTIONS and EDUCATION to Benefit Your Family and Ours

Having great access to both binding and brokerage markets for General Liability, Excess Liability, and Property means we can handle your risks, large to small, with one stop for you!
We can provide one-day quotes on many risks and we have the markets to comparison shop. There is no doubt we will bring you the best in coverage and price every single time!
Why Chris-Leef?
Quoting & Binding Authority for Most Classes
Alarm Installers
Artisan Contractors
Bars, Taverns & Restaurants
Convenience Stores
Crop Sprayers
Day Care Center
Security Guard
Special Events
Sports Accident
Tree Trimmers
Vacant Buildings
Commercial Casualty
Contractors: Blasting, Boiler Installation, Crane & Equipment Rental, Demolition, Elevator, Fireworks Display, Mechanical, Railroad, Security Guard, Sprinkler, Steel Erection, Water/Sewer.
Manufacturers: Amusement devices, Auto parts, Bicycles, Chemical, Boats, Fireworks, Medical Equipment/Expendables, Motor Homes, Mobile Modular Housing, Pharmaceuticals, Playground Equipment, Respirators, Trailers, Wire Ropes/Slings, Oil & Gas Risks.
Commercial General Liability
Completed Operations Liability
Discontinued Product Liability
Excess CGL/Product Liability
Extended Reporting Periods
IBNR (“Nose”) Coverage
Labor Union D&O
OCP Liability
Oil & Gas Risks
Product Liability
Railroad Contractors
Railroad Protective Liability
Artisan Contractors: Low minimum premiums
Remodelers: Residential & Commercial
General Contractors: Residential & Commercial
Roofers: 100% Subcontracted
Liquor Liability & Excess/Umbrella available. Can be packaged or on a monoline basis.
Risk exposures can include the following:
Dance Floors
Gentlemen's Clubs
Live Entertainment
Night Club's
Restaurants with alcohol sales
Sports Bars
Excess Commercial Auto
Excess Commercial General Liability
Umbrella Liability
Commercial Property
TARGETED TOP CLASSES: Commercial Property/Inland Marine, Apartments, Condominiums and Townhomes, Builders Risks, Churches, Clubs, Contractors Equipment, Hotels/Motels, Manufacturing, Mercantile, Nursing Homes, Restaurants and Taverns, Schools, Shopping Centers, Vacant Buildings, Warehouses.
Cannabis Liability
Commercial Inland Marine
Commercial Property
Commercial Package
Deductible Buy Back
Earthquake & Flood (Difference in Conditions)
Primary and Excess Coverages